Surya Child Care relies on providing expectant mothers path breaking solutions for a complete three sixty degree mother and child care. Thus, Surya Child Care has partnered with distinguished Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Dr. Arneet Dhurandhar (M.D) for establishing the Water Birth facility at SuryaHospital, Mumbai. Dr. Dhurandhar enjoys the peculiarity of being the first consultant in the city of Mumbai to carry out an entirely natural birthing process.
As expectant mothers, it is
essential to understand the minute details of water birth since it can be the
best possible choice for you and your bundle of bliss.The mother feels far more
relaxed in the procedure since it decreases pain perception by 40-60%. The procedure includes being submerged
in water which is regulated at a temperature of 36-37.5 degrees Celsius.
It makes contractions more endurable and the mothers are less probable to
need analgesic drugs (painkillers). The buoyancy keeps the mother afloat in
water (Archimedes Principle) and helps her maintain a relaxed position suitable
for the procedure. The baby, which is born with water birth as a process, will
be born into an environment similar to the one he or she enjoyed in the womb.

Surya Child Care’s world class water birth facility is based on a mission to actively deliver holistic manage mentfor the expectant
mother and child through the best medical, financial and emotional support that
makes child birth and fostering a commendable experience.The hospital has built
a city-wide reputation in Mumbai due to the presence of its superior health care for the last 3 decades. It is now the fastest growing Pediatric hospital in
India, with the critical distinction of having all the important sub-specializations
in one completely-contained hospital.Surya Child Care in Mumbai has established itself as a center of choice for
intensive expertise and high-quality care.